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The project will be conducted in four stages through a series of lectures or a year-long course on one or more of the issues to be dealt with, as described below (see Among the Issues to be Dealt with in the From Project Activities, below). 


Stage I: Participants will acquire a tool set (based on coaching techniques) to enable internalization of the concepts to be dealt with in the project.

Stage II: This phase of the project will focus on presenting both sides of a selected conflict, and enhanced by the use of video, audio, and  written media (newspaper articles, posters, etc. )

Stage III: Participants in the encounters will be exposed to relevant religious materials in order to come to an understanding of reality as halacha perceives it to be.

Stage IV (final): Presentation of the implications that arose from the encounter between the concept of reality as derived from halacha in contrast to that derived by rational, secular thinking. In this encounter additional tools will be presented to enable participants to maximize their understanding of the worldviews they have been exposed to, so that each individual will be best able to formulate his/her personal stand on any specific issue.


Publicizing of the initiative will be accomplished via publication of articles in various platforms (in journals, newspapers/magazines, on-line, etc.), use of social media to propagate calls for legislation and initiatives affecting pivotal civic issues. Also, conferences on selected public issues will be convened and open to the general public with participation of key figures in religious, political, academic and cultural arenas.  




Project Activities




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